LeetStreet Boys is an anime otaku band created by singer/composer Matt Myers. The band first gained international attention in 2008 with their smash hit song and animated music video “Yuri The Only One.” LeetStreet Boys is renowned for the unique mix of romance, humor, and epic that marks their extensive repertoire of catchy, heartfelt songs. LeetStreet Boys have performed live across North America since 2008, their music videos have appeared on Japanese TV and on Video Games Live, as well as screened at anime conventions all over the world.
LeetStreet Boys have released three full-length albums: “LeetStreet Boys,” “Otaku Hearts”, and “L3G3NDS.” Widely credited as one of the first Western anime bands to gain significant worldwide attention, LeetStreet Boys songs and animated music videos including “Yuri The Only One,” “Guitar Hero Hero,” “She’s So Kawaii” “Cosplay Girlfriend”, and “Imaginary Boys” have reached millions of fans online. Additionally, they performed the theme song for the hit dating sim Roommates from Winter Wolves Games.
LeetSteet Boys has garnered standout reviews from the anime, video game, and fandom press including:
“LeetStreet Boys croon otaku-centric pop songs.” – Anime News Network
"A very endearing snapshot of anime fandom." - Anime Herald
"We are unapologetic fans of LeetStreet Boys." - Otakon official social media
“Brilliantly animated music videos have brought them to the world’s attention.” – MCM Buzz
“If I had a prom, this band would definitely play in it.” - Japanator
“If you have a young gaming or anime fan in your home, this would be a great present.” - WIRED
"Yuri The Only One is bubblegum catchy." - Toronto Globe And Mail
"The intro song is a lovely little head-bopper." - Ladies Gamers